Course Outline

Introduction,  environment Setup and a first application

  • The Akka framework
    • The Actor model (definition & origins)
    • Fault tolerance
    • Location transparency
    • Scaling
    • Actors In Akka
  • Setting up a Scala/Maven environment
  • A first application in Akka
    • Create the project
    • Defining message Classes
    • Defining actor Classes
    • Defining the execution Class
  • Architecture & configuration files

Actors & Typed Actors

  • Anatomy of an Actor
  • Creating Actors (default constructors, custom constructors, actor hierarchy)
  • Messaging Models
    • Sending messages
      • Fire and forget
      • Send and receive
    • Receiving messages
    • Replying to messages
    • Forwarding messages
  • Stop Actors
  • Kill Actors

Fault Tolerance - Actor Lifecycle & State

  • Let it crash         
  • Supervision & supervisor strategy
    • One for one
    • All for one
  • Lifecycle callbacks
  • Receiving Messages
  • Online/Offline state
  • Hotswap: Become / Unbecome (& stash)
  • Finite State Machine FSM
    • States
    • Behaviour


  • Blocking vs event driven API
  • Using futures & promises

Dispatchers & Routes

  • Dispatchers
    • Dispatcher as a pattern
    • Executor & Dispatchers
    • Types of dispatcher / Which to use when
      • Default dispatcher
      • Pinned dispatcher
      • CallingThread dispatcher
      • Balancing dispatcher
  • Routers
    • Types of Routers
    • Router usage
    • Router usage via application.conf
    • Router usage for distributed actors
    • Dynamically resizing routers
    • Custom Router


  • About the Akka Cluster & the CAP theorem
  • Defining a cluster
  • Cluster Member Status
  • Routing messages to the cluster
  • Addressing remote actors


  • Types of mailboxes
  • Durable mailboxes
  • Circuit breakers

Transactions (time permitting)


  • Writing unit test
  • Access the actor reference
  • Testing actor behaviour
  • Testing exception scenarios

JMX and REST interfaces

  • RESTful API
  • JMX


There are no specific requirements needed to attend this course.

 21 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

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