Do you often struggle to say no to things you cannot or do not want to do?

Are you unsure how to make a request without sounding rude or demanding?

Are you tired of not being heard?

Assertiveness is an invaluable skill, not only in leadership and management but at all levels of the organizational hierarchy. It helps dealing with complex situations, minimize conflicts and confusion and foster healthy relationships within a workplace.

It is not a magic formula to eradicate all communication problems but it offers the best chance of achieving the desired outcomes. It also, from an individual perspective, builds confidence and helps set boundaries.

Assertiveness is a mix of various qualities and is not only limited to verbal communications but includes body language and facial expressions.

Am I beaing assertive or aggressive

This free webcast introduces the concept of assertiveness formula and how to use it to be more effective in expressing our needs and wants in an non-aggressive manner and by consequence enhance our performance at work and outside of it, within a larger community.

About Trainer

Patricia Lythgoe has a MA in Psychology and PG diploma in Psychotherapy and many years of experience of counselling people with variety of issues, including burnout, work related anxiety and depression.

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