Programa do Curso
- Verniz vs Nginx vs outras soluções
Visão geral de cache e servidores proxy
Instalando e configurando o Varnish
Usando o console de administração do Varnish (VAC)
Lidando com conexões HTTP com Varnish
Trabalhando com a linguagem de configuração Varnish (VCL)
Invalidando o cache do Varnish
Compreendendo o tempo de vida dos objetos armazenados em cache
Lidando com back-ends
Otimizando conexões
Registrando, medindo e depurando Varnish
Integrando o Varnish com outras infraestruturas e serviços
Observações finais
- Conhecimento da linha de comando Linux (shell)
- Compreensão de HTTP e redes
Declaração de Clientes (5)
discussão sobre o nginx
Jodi Nugaha Firnanda - PT Artajasa Pembayaran Elektronis
Curso - Nginx
Machine Translated
Muitos exercícios e ajuda para resolver problemas.
Celina - Centrum Informatyki Resortu Finansów
Curso - Apache Web Server Administration
Machine Translated
The trainer was knowledgeable and approachable. He responded to the question with patience.
Charles Kossivi - Avalon Healthcare Solutions
Curso - Jetty: Embedding A Web Server Inside Your Application
The trainer was very knowledgeable and was able to answer most questions that were somewhat outside of the scope of what we needed to cover. He was dynamic, funny and polite.
Pascal Durocher - City of Montreal
Curso - HTTP fundamentals and Nginx web server
I really liked the rapport and connection that the trainer was able to achieve with the class. And that, on the fly, he was able to shape the class into the things we needed.