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Oracle: Programming with PL/SQL II
21 horasOracle: Programming with PL/SQL I
28 horasOracle SQL for Developers
35 horasOracle SQL for Administrators
21 horasPL/SQL in Oracle 19c
21 horasIntroduction to Vector Databases
14 horasOracle SQL for beginners
21 horasORACLE SQL Fundamentals
14 horasORACLE PL/SQL Fundamentals
21 horasOracle SQL Intermediate
14 horasOracle SQL Advanced
14 horasData Management
35 horasPivotal Greenplum for Developers
21 horasMarkLogic Server
14 horasSAP ASE for Database Administrators
28 horasHasura GraphQL Engine
14 horasBusiness Intelligence with SSAS
14 horasAdministration with Powershell
35 horasClickHouse Fundamentals
14 horasSQLite Fundamentals
14 horasMongoDB Atlas Fundamentals
14 horasPrometheus Fundamentals
14 horasOracle SQL Language
14 horasLast Updated:
Declaração de Clientes(25)
Os exercícios foram muito bem explicados.
Monica - DB Global Technology
Curso - PL/SQL in Oracle 19c
Machine Translated
Kamil fez um ótimo trabalho. Ele fez perguntas para descobrir o que já sabíamos e no que precisávamos de nos concentrar, e adaptou facilmente a formação às nossas necessidades.
Susanna - USAF
Curso - MongoDB Advanced Administrator
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O José foi um formador cativante e agradeço o facto de ter ficado acordado
Phil - Federal Court of Australia
Curso - Prometheus Fundamentals
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A forma como o formador demonstrou tudo
Manveen - Tribal Grou[
Curso - Developing Applications with Oracle Application Express (APEX)
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A qualidade da formação e a riqueza da experiência!
Edvin - Verizon Connect
Curso - MySQL Developer
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Apresentação e exercícios interessantes
Szymon - Agora SA
Curso - Scylla Database
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Andres garante consistentemente que responde a todas as perguntas dos participantes e se esforça para garantir que todos compreendam seus ensinamentos. Admiro sua experiência e proficiência no assunto
Ryan - Questronix Corporation
Curso - PostgreSQL for Administrators - 3 Days
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Ser humano e falar connosco da forma mais compreensível possível
Curso - Database Administration Fundamentals for MS SQL Server
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Experiência do formador em SQL afinação
Bogdan - DB Global Technology
Curso - Oracle 11g - Application Tuning - Workshop
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A situação era atípica, porque uma formação intensiva para programadores tinha de ser realizada com não programadores. Lukasz aceitou este desafio com empatia e muito humor. Através da sua forma inteligente e flexível, conseguiu assegurar que todos obtivessem um ganho de aprendizagem concreto. Gostei muito e teria todo o gosto em participar novamente num seminário com o Lukasz.
Christoph - Honda Bank GmbH
Curso - MERN Fullstack Development
Machine Translated
O Filipe foi muito simpático, o seu estilo de explicar SQL conceitos é excelente. Gostei do facto de ele nos ter dado informações e respondido a perguntas que não faziam parte deste curso.
Curso - SQL in SQL Server
Machine Translated
analytical functions
khusboo dassani - Tech Northwest Skillnet
Curso - SQL Advanced
The training materials.
Mona Dobre - DB Global Technology
Curso - SQL Advanced level for Analysts
Aprendi funções complexas e como as aplicar
Ana Alexandrescu - DB Global Technology
Curso - Oracle SQL Advanced
Machine Translated
Practical exercises for practice and understanding of the concept, clarification provided for any questions.
Safdar Abbas - Medtech Limited
Curso - T-SQL Fundamentals with SQL Server Training Course
Foi cuidadosamente adaptado às nossas necessidades, muito reativo a questões e situações reais, deu-nos muita prática a repetir o que estávamos a aprender.
Colin - Drax
Curso - MySQL Administration
Machine Translated
Great comunication, Łukasz explained everything in easy and understandable way
Tomasz Wojciechowski - GP Strategies Poland sp. z o.o.
Curso - ORACLE SQL Fundamentals
Ahmed has been very cooperative and knowledgeable about the subject and throughout been a good and productive training session covering some basic and important topics on Postgres.
Imran Sadiq Bhat
Curso - PostgreSQL Essentials
It was quite hands-on, not too much theory.
David Lambaerts - Estée Lauder BV
Curso - ORACLE PL/SQL Fundamentals
It allowed us to have an applied hands on sproc to our company database.
Corneliu Buculei - Standard Building Supplies Ltd
Curso - Advanced SQL, Stored Procedures and Triggers for Microsoft SQL Server
Trainer was accommodative. And actually quite encouraging for me to take up the course.
Grace Goh - DBS Bank Ltd
Curso - Python in Data Science
The lab environment
Samer Roshdi - epic ltd
Curso - MongoDB for Analysts
I liked Osorios openness and kindness - and that it wasn't so dry but fun!
Jannis Hell - Planet Labs
Curso - GraphQL Basics
It was clearly tailored to be very appropriate to our purpose which made it extra helpful. I really liked the zoom format as it helped me focus with the material right in front of you all the time and the trainer able to add illustrations and markings on to it as he explained. The trainer answered all our questions in a very satisfying way and I felt surprised at how much I was able to learn in one day. Usually i get tired of training by the afternoon but this was very engaging right through to the end. Pace was perfect and detail went into the right areas.
Davina Sanders - Scottish Government
Curso - PostgreSQL Performance Tuning
Michal was very knowledgable and engaging as a teacher.