Explore Our Courses

Next.js 14 - Advanced

21 horas

Next.js 14 Advanced Development

21 horas

React with Next.js

14 horas

FARM (FastAPI, React, and MongoDB) Full Stack Development

14 horas

Análise de dados em Python usando Pandas e Numpy

14 horas

Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Python

28 horas

Unit Testing with PHPUnit

14 horas

GUI Programming with Python and PyQt

21 horas

Build REST APIs with Python and Flask

14 horas

Scaling Data Analysis with Python and Dask

14 horas

Introduction to Programming

35 horas

Clean Code

14 horas

Linux Network Programming

14 horas

Criando Aplicativos Interativos com React, Redux e GraphQL

28 horas

Spring Boot, React, and Redux

14 horas

Managing Vue JS State with Vuex

7 horas

Managing React State with MobX

14 horas

Material UI

7 horas

Ant Design

7 horas

NestJS: Beginner to Advanced

14 horas

REST API Development with LoopBack

14 horas

Node.js & Express.js Basics, working with PM2 & WebStorm

21 horas

Qt Quick and QML

7 horas

Mathematica - Introduction, Visualization, and Data Presentation

14 horas

Mathematica for Machine Learning

14 horas

Developing APIs with Python and FastAPI

14 horas

Scientific Computing with Python SciPy

7 horas

Game Development with PyGame

7 horas

Web application development with Flask

14 horas

Advanced Flask

14 horas

GUI Programming with Python and Tkinter

14 horas

Monax: Build a Smart Contract Application

7 horas

Kivy: Building Android Apps with Python

7 horas

Web Development with Web2Py

28 horas

Web Development with Django

21 horas

Advanced Django

14 horas

Django CMS for Administrators

14 horas

Django CMS for Developers

21 horas

Learn Django from Basic to Advanced

35 horas

Build REST APIs with Python and Django

14 horas

Wagtail CMS for Developers

21 horas

Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Deep Dive in Python and NLTK

35 horas

PHP CodeIgniter

14 horas

Test Driven Development

21 horas

Zend Framework: Fundamentos

21 horas

Advanced CakePHP

21 horas

CakePHP Fundamentals

28 horas

Laravel PHP Framework

14 horas

Building Web Apps using the MEAN stack

35 horas

Machine Learning with Python and Pandas

14 horas

Accelerating Python Pandas Workflows with Modin

14 horas

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Cursos de fim de semana de Programação, Treinamento tardiurno de Programação, Treinamento em grupo de Programação, Programação guiado por instrutor, Treinamento de Programação de fim de semana, Cursos de Programação tardiurnos, coaching de Programação, Instrutor de Programação, Treinador de Programação, Cursos de treinamento de Programação, Aulas de Programação, Programação no local do cliente, Cursos privados de Programação, Treinamento individual de Programação